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来源:唐山奥数网整理 2011-08-05 09:46:04

  ( )9.Jim and I ____in _______.

  A.am, same class B.is, same class

  C. are, the different classes D. are, different classes

  ( )10.The students are playing _____.

  A. a football B. footballs C.the football D. football

  ( )11.This is Mr Wang's room. _____room is clean.

  A. His B. He C. Her D. Their

  ( )12.My grandma is old. Look! They are walking_____.

  A. quietly B. slow C. slowly D.quick

  ( )13. This is Betty's bike . Give _________, please.

  A. her, it B. it for her C. it to her D. she it

  ( )14.These rulers are for ______.

  A. you and us B. me and she C. I and they. D. his and her

  ( )15.How do you go to school? ________.

  A. I have a bike. B. By bike. C. On bike. D. Bike.

  四 连词成句:

  1 ducks, are , very , those , noisy.


  2 are , they , when, going , up, to, get .


  3 go , us, tree, that, let , under.


  4 party, we , a , going, have, to , are.


  5 windy, it, Beijing, be , to , in, is, going.


  五. 根据单词首字母提示及句意完成句子。

  1. The boy is crying loudly. He’s very n_________.

  2. I want to eat something . I feel h___________.

  3. It’s raining now. My coat is w______.

  4. It’s going to be s____________ tomorrow.

  5. He’s got a b___________ present.

  6. We’re going to have a picnic at half p________ twelve.

  7. It’s going to be s___________ in Nanjing.

  8. It’s going to be w_________ in Harbin.

  9.I won the game yesterday. I am the w___________.

  10. It’s r_________ in Hainan now.

  六、短文理解: People need weather Forecasts

  Weather forecasts help us to decide what to do. It helps us to decide where to go. It also helps us decide what to wear. It can also save lives. For example, forcasters can warn people when a hurricane or typhoon is coming. They can tell the direction of hurricane or typhoons. This helps people to move away from them

  仔细阅读, 在下列句子前标出T(对)或F(错).

  ( ) 1 With the help of the weather forecasts, people can know what they can do.

  ( ) 2 Weather forecasts can save people's lives.

  ( ) 3 Hurricanes and typhoons are very dangerous.

  ( ) 4 We really need weather forecasts in our life.

  七.小作文:你和你家人星期天一起到公园去野餐,天气晴朗,你和家人做了许多事情.请你用A picnic in the park为题写一篇60多字的小作文.

百科词条:小升初 英语测试题
