奥数网 奥数兰州站 > 小升初 > 小升初真题 > 正文


来源:唐山奥数网整理 2011-08-05 09:46:04



  1. ____gry(生气的)    2. pr___d(骄傲的)
  3. n___vous(紧张的)   4. s____prised(惊奇的)
  5. excit____(兴奋的)   6. met____(米)
  7.writ___(作家)    8.____inese(中国人)                              
  9.Americ_____(美国人) 10.____vent(发明)  

  (     )1. Do you know Qi Baishi?
  (     )2. When was he born?
  (     )3.Why is he famous?
  A.Yes. He was a Chinese artist.
  B.He was born in 1864.
  C.He is famous because he painted shrimps well.


  1. A. pie            B. piece    (     )
  2. A. niece          B. believe   (     )
  3. A. right          B. with      (     )
  4. A. mother         B. writer    (     )
  5. A. musician       B. American  (     )
  6. A. stick          B. sick      (     )
  7. A. pick           B. chicken   (     )
  8. A. earth          B. than      (     )
  9. A. happy          B. cake      (     )
  10. A. whale         B. who      (     )


  (   )1. I _____live in a house on the moon in the future.
  A. will      B. well     C.
  (   )2. I will be______ astronaut in the future.
  A. a        B. an       C.
  (   )3. I am 12_____old.
  A. years     B. year       C.
  (   )4.My mother was sick. I was very_____.
  A. nervous   B. worried   C. angry
  (   )5. I got an A _____my English test..
  A. in       B. on        C.
  (   )6. She went to the amusement park____ my family.
  A. with     B. and      C. or
  (   )7. Jia Yi was new in our class. She was______.
  A. nervous   B. sad     C. happy
  (   )8.Binbin got an A on his Math test. He is very______.
  A. proud    B. worried   C. angry(   )9.What's the _____today?
  A.  day     B. date     C.
  (   )10.______do you feel?.
  A. How     B. What    C. Why
  (    )11.Where_______you like to go this winter vacation?
  A. will      B. would     C. do
  (    )12.I ______like to go to France
  A. will      B. would     C. do
  (    )13.He______like to go to France
  A. will      B. would     C. do
  (    )14.______would you like to go this winter vacation?
  A. Where    B. What     C.Who
  (    )15.What language do people_______?
  A. speak    B.say        C.talk
  (    )16.______continents are there in the world?
  A. How many  B. How     C.What
  (    )17.How many continents are there_____the world?
  A.in     B.         C.at
  (    )18 It is the second.______country in the world.

